_ BURLINGTON, measure, January. 07, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — nuance communication, Inc. (Nasdaq: _ NUAN) announce the fact that in connection with its again acquisition of Viecore, Inc., Tom Chisholm, former D Chief main leaders more Officer by Viecore and now older vice grants President, nuance enterprise service, its veranlassung grants of 286.137 reduced stock unit, fifty percent from what dresses on D only anniversary of D acquisition, eight of what dresses on D eighteen month anniversary of D acquisition, eight of what dresses on D second anniversary of D acquisition and twenty five percent from what dresses, if on all, on D second anniversary from D acquisition determines D according to D execution of achievement reasons of objective _ reduced stock unit its recognition through D reconciliation committee of D company’s board of director and grant like veranlassung material a 4350(i)(l)(A)(iv). Rule to Mr. Chisholm’s occupation with nuance in agreement with NASDAQ market _ over nuance communication, Inc. nuance its lead servicers of speech and exposure solution for business and consumer around D world. _ its technology, application and service form D user experience more force through transforming D way people one on the other influence nuance experience with information and like they create, portion and use document _ jed day, millions of user and thousands of business examine application _ for more information, please visit www.nuance.com. _ nuance and D nuance trade mark its registered trade mark or registered registered trade mark of nuance communication, Inc. or its participant in D United States and/or other countries _ all more other name product or company name refers herein may its D property of its respectively owner SAFE HARBOR FOR FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENT statement in this document concerning management future expectation, faith, goal, plan or prospect determines forward of looking statement within D meaning of D Private security law case improves Act from 1995th _ any statement the fact that its not statement of historically fact (including containing D word “believes statement, anticipates,” “expects” “plan,” “,” estimates and expression similar) should its to regard also be forward of looking statement _ to be there number of importantly factor that know cause actually result or case without to more differ material of those to indicate by such forward of looking statement _ this factor include, restriction, danger and uncertainty describes in D “danger factor” section from nuance annually Report on form 10-K for D for taxation year ended September 30, 2007 arranges with D sec. and in more other periodically Report arranges with D sec. _ nuance disclaims any intention or obligation result to update any forward of looking statement as from development occurring after D date from this document _ SOURCE: _ nuance communication, Inc.. _ for nuance communication, Inc. the north America global result communication, Inc. Kirsten Woodard, 949-681-8122 kwoodard@globalresultspr.com copyright Business Wire 2008
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